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Inter-Dimensional Solution Model (IDSM)

The USM and the IDSM sit on top of all other classes of solution models. The stack to the left shows the geographic class of solution models. This class is anthropocentric and based on "standing" relative to geographic and non-geographically tied macro-structural models and frameworks.

Inter-Dimensional Solution Model (IDSM)

The Geographic Class of Solution Models

The USM gives a general case discussion of Solution Models, Understanding Models, Management Systems, and then extends this to a class specific example from these top level pieces to Science and Technology, Organizations, Ecosystems and Products and Services.

The USM and the IDSM sit on top of all other classes of solution models. The stack to the left shows the geographic class of solution models. This class is anthropocentric and based on "standing" relative to geographic and non-geographically tied macro-structural models and frameworks.

The Inter-Dimensional Solution Model (IDSM)

The Inter-Dimensional Solution Model serves several functions. First, it defines dimensions and states of existence that are pre-existent to the realm of space-time. Second, it organizes frameworks for defining and dealing with existence and dimensionality in relationship to the existence and non-existence. These definitions form the very foundation of our understandings of states of being, consciousness, mind and so more pieces. Third, it defines dimensions and inter-dimensional relationships in terms of solution model classes. All solution models that sit below the level of the IDSM are organized into dimensional classes. Above the IDSM is the USM and by contrast the USM deals with an even broader scope of frameworks that are inclusive of dimensional definitions but not limited to them.

From the IDSM we move into several other classes of solution models, the most common being the Inter-Stellar Solution Model (ISSM), the Inter-Planetary Solution Model (IPSM) and the Planetary Solution Model (PSM) and their respective understanding models and management systems which then translate to specific and respective organizations, ecosystems and product and service sets.

The Genomics of Inter-Dimensional Awareness

From a bio-energetic and epi-genetic viewpoint, higher dimensional awareness is achieved through shifts in consciousness..

Translating this into the Inter-Dimensional Solution and Understanding Models

We won’t spend a lot of time discussing this here but it’s a good place to take note that these highest level n-meta-level concepts do in fact sit right in the middle of the Inter-Dimensional Solution Model (IDSM) and Inter-Dimensional Understanding models. As we go down through the different classes of solution and understanding models we will see a kind of hand-off progression from the universal and conceptual to the specific and applied.

The IDSM, discussed these core concepts in more detail and for this reason it sits above the most common class of solution models, the ones that run in scale from the inter-stellar to the planetary (which has to do with the dimension and location in spacetime) as well as the class of solution models that run from the cosmological scale to the very small or quantum level solution models. In general solution model classes follow one or more dimensional components in how they are scaled and applied.

Siloization and Inter-Dimensional Relationships

With this in mind, it begs a question whether or not there is a kind of “Siloization” of solution models between the different classes of solution models themselves? This is an issue, that we resolve in the inter-dimensional Solution model. For example, the Medical Solution Model (MSM) has overlaps with the Environmental Solution Model, which has overlaps with Energy Solution Model and so forth. The Inter-Dimensional Solution Model provides methods for resolving these issues as we move from the general case classes to the more specific applied levels within a specific class of solution and understanding models.

This said, there is also another direction the IDSM serves a purpose for and that is looking at different layers of reality heading from the general case to the most universal. Here we are looking at changes in “state” in what we might call higher dimensions of existence. Are these dimensions defined as dimensions in the same way as our practical examples above?

The Virtual Global Nation

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